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Do your teabags contain plastic?
What is your teabag paper made from?
Why are Pukka teabags wrapped in individual sachets?
Are your teabag envelopes recyclable?
Can I recycle your teabags in my food recycling? And can I home compost them?
How to best brew Pukka tea?
Why do Pukka add Licorice to the tea blends?
What is the ‘flavouring’ in Pukka tea made from and which teas is it in?
Why have you discontinued Wonderberry Green tea?
Why have you changed the design of your tea boxes?
Are all Pukka teas caffeine free?
Are Pukka teas gluten free?
Are Pukka teas vegetarian or vegan?
Are Pukka teas Kosher certified?
What is the calorie content of your teas?
Can I drink Pukka teas that contain licorice in if I have high blood pressure?
Are Pukka teas safe during pregnancy and breastfeeding?
What's the difference between matcha and green tea?
Why have you discontinued Lean Matcha Green and which blend should I try now?